Before the events in Ukraine my confidence in the Swedish Public Service, Swedish Radio (SR) and Swedish Television (SVT), was around 7-8 on a ten point scale. Today my confidence is down to around 1-2 on the same scale. What is then the reason for this?
Instead of functioning as an objective and unbiased news agency in the public's interest, independent of both business corporations and sponsors as well as the state, the Ukraine crisis has brought Public Service's true colors out in the clear. Consistently they cover up all news that can speak to Russia's advantage, while everything that is favorable to US, EU and NATO is highlighted. They do it to such a degree, that all listeners and viewers who possess a reasonable intelligence, get insulted.
They belittle and trivialize the problem of extreme nationalism, nazism and fascism in Ukraine. They completely fail to report about the recording of Tymoshenko's death threat against all Russians, despite Tymoshenko admitting to the correctness of the tape recording herself. They insinuate that the shots on Maidan came from the Police and Yanukovych regime, although they evidently came from the coup maker's headquarters. They fail to report about Helmut Schmidt's and Nigel Farage's statements, that it is indeed the EU and United States that has blood covered hands and carry all the blame, etc. etc.
Instead, they dance their own tiresome waltz, perhaps in the hope that there might still be some intelligence exempt idiot who actually believes in their propaganda. All comments daring to breath any kind of criticism towards the expansive, progressive and imperialistic policies of the west, are consistently censored on their own sites. Not to mention SR's correspondent Maria Persson Löfgren who is a pure joke. Yes, the situation is so severe that it can almost be compared with the condition in North Korea, although more subtle.
Perhaps this single eyed perception derives from the fact that these channels' employees to the majority, over 80 %, consist of leftists and hence are afraid of being accused of such if they dare to report a grain of truth? Or is it a deliberate plan to arouse sympathy for Russia, since most people automatically take the bullied in defense, in this case Russia?
To the Swedish Radio's defense can be mentioned that they occasionally send some interesting program that analyzes the crisis in a more constructive and nuanced way, for example P1 Conflict's "Putin's Brain" and P1 OBS's "Voices from Ukraine and fear of the Russians". But these are more exceptions to the rule; that US, EU and NATO are right no matter how wrong they are and Russia is wrong no matter how right it is.
Being Swedish I'm deeply ashamed of such news reports and have realized that Public Service is not up to its task. So, instead of relying on so called unbiased senders, i.e. obtaining false information from liars, from now on I choose to obtain my information from diametrical senders, hyper American as well as hyper Russian, in order to form my own opinion on world news.
Attempting to brainwash the recipients is not the task for a serious Public Service company. Instead news should be presented objectively and impartially for the recipients to form their own opinions. For each second of pro American information I require an equal number of seconds of pro Russian information. For each invited pro American guest, I demand the invitation of a pro Russian guest. Carl Bildt, the Swedish Foreign Minister however, does not need to be invited at all, except to hold him accountable for his criminal actions. It is as such; the people in power should ALWAYS be held accountable, yes, fully ransacked down to their bare bones. That way you achieve freedom of opinion formation and balance in news reporting.
Congratulations, YOU Swedish citizen, YOU live in a media dictatorship!
Medkänsla Socialism Rättvisa
Promotion: Politometern Intressant
Varför tog våldsvågen i januari slut?
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